Sunday, April 22, 2012

Impatience Paid Off

We are impatient and waited, maybe 2 weeks to hear back on the colonial house, and then we started looking again :-) And we found the kind of house I wanted from the beginning...a good size ranch. We have gone through the negotiating, acceptance, inspection, and now we are just waiting for a closing date! I am very excited and thankful. It's a solid house, but needs updating. All the majors (roof, furnace, air, windows), it's very clean, but we just need to get new carpet throughout and figure out a way to update it. Unfortunately, I do not have any decorating skills, so we'll see how it turns out.
I'll have some before & after photos once we get going. I hope you can tell which is which!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Time Will Tell....

We have been checking out houses lately and here's a pic of the first house we have bid on. It's a short sale so we may have to wait up to 60 days to find out if our bid was chosen or not, so we will see. If not, there's a lot more to choose from right now so we'll keep looking.
I'll keep you updated (Lola, lol!).

Powerfully Good Preaching!

Texans sure are lucky to have Voddie Baucham!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For Those Who Haven't Seen...

My girls happened to dvr this movie and told me to watch it. LOVED IT. Had to tell the world. You can find it at the Sterling Heights Public Library...if I decide to return it...again.