Sunday, June 20, 2010


I am so impressed...WITH MYSELF!

I was planning to make a vegan lasagna today, but when I saw that it was all baked (don't know why I didn't realize that), I had to come up with my own recipe.

I was looking to do a raw lasagna to keep all the enzymes intact (in the fresh foods). Well, I was successful, and here is the result! Extrememly tasty!

Here are my ingredients:
Cooked lasagna noodles, organic marinara, peppers, red onion, green onion, tofu, garlic, parsley, spinach, nutritional yeast, salt & pepper.


As I mentioned earlier, I am trying to move more towards a raw & organic lifestyle. This is still a very new thing to me. I am really trying to educate myself right now and beginning to implement it into my life. I'm making headway!

After fasting until about noon, I made myself this ugly juice for lunch.

It was surprisingly good though! I am SO glad! I once made myself a beet & carrot juice that was horrid, so I was hoping to have a better experience. I will absolutely make this again.

Here's what was in it.
Spinach, carrots, cucumber, green onion, & parsley.

Happy Birthday

Happiest of birthday's Kristan W. !!!!!!!!!!!!!