Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Th 5:18

We have been celebrating the happy news of our pregnancy for a couple months now, but unfortunately I must now share that we have suffered a miscarriage in our tenth week.
This is obviously a heart-wrenching time, but we are so appreciative to everyone for their outpouring of love and excitement for us these past weeks. It has truly been a blessed time. We have no regrets of sharing our joy, and the experiences it brought with it. Children truly are a blessing and can impact and change your life before you even meet them.
We are thankful to have had the privileged of this child for even a short time, and are grateful for the blessed hope of reuniting one day.

Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers as we transition through these emotions.

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